Sunday, May 6, 2007


Me and a guard at the horse stables for Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

I like Yogi Berra's advice, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." That' just what we did. Yesterday Susannah, Grace, and I enjoyed walking around London, soaking in the sights. I like walking when you have no set destination. We explored side streets, stopped in stores, and strolled in parks.

We took the double-decker buses and the tube. It was a beautiful day. I love watching people. Wherever I am, I always imagine myself living there. London would be too busy for me, but when you get out in the English countryside, it's hard not to imagine yourself living an idyllic life in a cute little cottage with maybe some sheep and a milk cow!

I was reminded this morning that God has me on a journey, a wonderful and beautiful journey--not because it's all perfect and easy, but because it's unique and created by Him...and He has good in store for me. I am enjoying the moment and I love this adventure because I am seeing more of God (in his beautiful creation, people he's made, and in my own response to it).


Jamiedelweiss said...

Well put, but busy can be fun for a while; but there are times when I - in Vancouver - wish for a dirt bike and coffee shop full of farmers who know my dad. Great pics, I'm glad it's fun for you! [don't delete me this time :)]

YVONNE said...
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YVONNE said...

don't worry...I won't delete you! talk to you soon I hope!