Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Home Again

I'm happy to be back in Calgary. Everything is so green here...I love the street by my house with all the big trees...so beautiful! My flights home went well. Our team left Athens late Sunday night and arrive in London about 3am. I stayed with the team at the hotel for about 4 hours, then Susannah and I went to the airport to catch our flights home. On both flights I had quite a bad earache which made things unpleasant, but I managed to get some sleep.

I wasn't planning on anybody picking me up in Calgary...I was just going to catch the bus home. I came out of security and was walking to go out the door when James showed up!! He and my mom and dad came to meet me at the airport and it was a BIG, GREAT surprise. They took me out for something to eat, Krista came over and we had a good evening visiting. I wasn't that tired thankfully and this morning I woke up feeling really rested and full of energy.

I was happy to drive again...I missed that. I was also so happy to see my roommates and sleep in my bed. I guess one good thing about travelling is it's nice to be away, and then it's so nice to come back home too.

Thank you for all who commented and sent me e-mails while I was away. I hope you enjoyed my blog and reading about our adventures in Europe. I'll have to keep this up with my goings-on in Calgary.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can link your facebook to this so that this shows up in your facebook... you should do it so that we're sure not to miss it if you keep blogging! ha ha!